working software over comprehensive documentation
software craftmanship
not only working software, but also well-crafted software
- high quality
- well-designed
- validated and verified
- tested
- code is clean, easy to understand, maintain
code smell
a code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem
– Martin Flower (Fowler, 2006)
software rot is the degradation, deterioration, or loss of the use or performance of software over time (Wikipedia contributors, 2024)
requirement smell: signs in the requirements that are not necessarily wrong but could be problematic (Femmer et al., 2017)
clean clode violations as code smells
- long method
- long parameter list
- naming
- notation in names
- inconsistent names
- uncommunicative names
- comments
- large class
- possibly do more than one thing
- a function / class does more than one thing
source: (Atwood, 2006)
some code smells
- duplicated code
- Don’t Repeat Yourself! (a.k.a., DRY principle) (Venners, 2003)
- speculative generality
- do not generalize the code to solve a potential future problem
- You aren’t gonna need it (YAGNI)
- focus on today’s problem
- dead code
- e.g., a function that is never called
- editors denote it
- in Go unused variable is not a warning, but an error
- temporary field
- “Watch out for objects that contain a lot of optional or unnecessary fields. If you’re passing an object as a parameter to a method, make sure that you’re using all of it and not cherry-picking single fields.” (Atwood, 2006)
source: (Atwood, 2006)
conditional complexity
if a and b:
if a or b:
if not (a or (b and not c) and (d or not f)):
- hard to understand
- even if it is tested and documented
conditional complexity
if is_pressure_low() and is_temperature_high():
if is_pressure_low() or is_temperature_high():
if not (
or (is_temperature_high() and not is_humidity_low())
and (is_fall() or not is_raining())
- hard to understand, even if it is tested and documented
- use nested conditions instead
class-based smells: alternative classes with different interfaces
If two classes are similar on the inside, but different on the outside, perhaps they can be modified to share a common interface (Atwood, 2006).
class-based smells: data class???
Avoid classes that passively store data. Classes should contain data and methods to operate on that data, too (Atwood, 2006).
- Kotlin: Data classes
- Python: PEP 557 – Data Classes
- Ruby: class Data
class-based smells: data clumps
If you always see the same data hanging around together, maybe it belongs together. Consider rolling the related data up into a larger class (Atwood, 2006).
class-based smells: refused bequest
If you inherit from a class, but never use any of the inherited functionality, should you really be using inheritance? (Atwood, 2006)
class-based smells: indecent exposure
Beware of classes that unnecessarily expose their internals. […] You should have a compelling reason for every item you make public. If you don’t, hide it (Atwood, 2006).
OOP principle: abstraction
- hiding the complex reality while exposing only the necessary parts
- allows to focus on interactions at a higher level without needing to understand the details of the implementation
- achieved through abstract classes and interfaces, which define a contract for what methods an object must implement without specifying how they should be implemented
class-based smells: feature envy
Methods that make extensive use of another class may belong in another class. Consider moving this method to the class it is so envious of.
– Jeff Atwood (Atwood, 2006)
more code smells
this section is based on the book Clean Code (chapter 17) by Robert C. Martin (Martin, 2009)
with own examples

comment related smells
1. obsolete comment
version n-1 (OOP)
# increase class attribute
def increase(self, by): += by
version n (FP)
# increase class attribute
def increase(what, by):
return what + by
these are actually noise comments, so they are bad in the first place
comment related smells
2. redundant comment
# creates an empty dataframe
def create_empty_dataframe(start_week, end_week):
redundant as it does not give new information, a form of noise comment
comment related smells
3. commented-out code
def increase(what, by):
# print(what, by)
return what + by
not needed, just remove it
class Something:
foo = 0
def increase(self, by): += by
def decrease(self, by): -= by
# def mutiply(self, by):
# *= by
the version tracker will preserve it, if you might meed it sometime in the future
magic numbers
magic number is an unexplained constant in the code
def calculate_circle_area(r: float) -> float:
return r * r * 3.141592
PI = 3.141592
def calculate_circle_area(r: float) -> float:
return r * r * PI
import math
def calculate_circle_area(r: float) -> float:
return r * r * math.pi
encapsulate boundary conditions
if level + 1 < length:
do_somthing(foo, bar, level + 1)
next_level = level + 1
if next_level < length:
do_somthing(foo, bar, next_level)
also increases consistency, the condition needs to be adjusted in one place
denoting blocks
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var a = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for i in range(10):
a = 0
for i in range(10):
a += 1
package main
import (
func main() {
for i:=0; i<10; i++ {
fn main() { for i in 0..9 { println!("{}", i); } }
what could go wrong?
parts from sslKeyExchange.c
if ((err = ReadyHash(&SSLHashSHA1, &hashCtx)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &clientRandom)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &serverRandom)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &signedParams)) != 0)
goto fail;
goto fail;
if ((err =, &hashOut)) != 0)
goto fail;
return err;
more about Apple’s “goto fail” fiasco (2014): (Wheeler, 2014), (Migues, 2014)
false blame on goto
, could be prevented by review and testing
how to measure code quality?
it is hard to objectively measure the quality of code
- number of source lines of code (SLOC)
- more code, more (potential) issues
- aligns well with code style guides
- Halstead metrics
- cyclomatic complexity
- maintainability index
- test coverage (later)
Halstead metrics
Halstead’s goal was to identify measurable properties of software, and the relations between them (Radon documentation, n.d.).
statistically computed numbers:
- $\eta_1$ = the number of distinct operators
- $\eta_2$ = the number of distinct operands
- $N_1$ = the total number of operators
- $N_2$ = the total number of operands
some of the measures:
- program vocabulary: $\eta = \eta_1 + \eta_2$
- program length: $N = N_1 + N_2$
- calculated program length: $\widehat{N} = \eta_1 log_2{\eta_1} + \eta2 log_2{\eta_2}$
- volume: $V = N log_2{\eta}$
- difficulty: $D = \frac{\eta_1}{2} \cdot \frac{N_2}{\eta_2}$
- effort: $E = D \cdot V$
cyclomatic comlexity
- developed by Thomas J. McCabe in 1976
- quantitative measure of the number of linearly independent paths through the source code
- computed using the control-flow graph of the program
defined as:
$$ M = E - N + 2P $$
- E: the number of edges of the graph
- N: the number of nodes of the graph
- P: the number of connected components
- for a single method, P always equals 1
cyclomatic comlexity – example
def calculate_progress(
finished: int,
total: int,
as_percentage: bool
) -> float:
progress = finished / total
if as_percentage:
return progress * 100
return progress
activity diagram
control flow
$$ CC = E - N + 2 $$ $$ CC = 4 - 4 + 2 $$ $$ CC = 2 $$
cyclomatic comlexity – 2nd example
def calculate_progress(
finished: int,
total: int,
as_percentage: bool,
foo: bool
) -> float:
progress = finished / total
if as_percentage and foo:
return progress * 100
return progress
activity diagram
control flow
$$ CC = E - N + 2 $$ $$ CC = 7 - 6 + 2 $$ $$ CC = 3 $$
Python statements’ effects on cyclomatic complexity
construct | effect | reasoning |
if | +1 | An if statement is a single decision. |
elif | +1 | The elif statement adds another decision. |
else | +0 | The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if. |
for | +1 | There is a decision at the start of the loop. |
while | +1 | There is a decision at the while statement. |
except | +1 | Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution. |
finally | +0 | The finally block is unconditionally executed. |
with | +1 | The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block. |
boolean operator | +1 | Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point. |
source: Radon documentation (Radon documentation, n.d.)
interpretation of cyclomatic complexity – Radon
CC score | rank | risk |
1 - 5 | A | low - simple block |
6 - 10 | B | low - well structured and stable block |
11 - 20 | C | moderate - slightly complex block |
21 - 30 | D | more than moderate - more complex block |
31 - 40 | E | high - complex block, alarming |
41+ | F | very high - error-prone, unstable block |
source: Radon documentation (Radon documentation, n.d.)
maintainability index
original (Coleman et al., 1994):
$$ MI = 171 - 5.2 \ln{V} - 0.23G - 16.2\ln{L} $$
Visual Studio derivate:
$$ MI = max\left[0,100 \frac{171 - 5.2 \ln{V} - 0.23G - 16.2\ln{L}}{171}\right] $$
- V: the Halstead volume
- G: the total cyclomatic complexity
- L: the number of source lines of code
score | maintainability |
0-10 | low |
10-20 | moderate |
20+ | high |
Visual Studio
score | maintainability |
0–10 | low |
10–20 | moderate |
20–30 | good |
30–40 | very good |
40–100 | excellent |
based on (Sharma, 2024)
issues: ease of computation, language independence, understandability, explainability (Heitlager et al., 2007)
read more in Think Twice Before Using the “Maintainability Index” (Deursen, 2014)
maintainability index – example
def calculate_progress(finished: int, total: int, as_percentage: bool) -> float:
progress = finished / total
if as_percentage:
return progress * 100
return progress
def calculate_progress_2(
finished: int, total: int, as_percentage: bool, foo: bool
) -> float:
progress = finished / total
if as_percentage and foo:
return progress * 100
return progress
- maintainability index for a script containing the code above is 63.71
- calculated with Radon
go report
- gofmt: style guide
- go_vet: reports suspicious constructs (Go specific)
- ineffassign: detects ineffectual assignments in Go code
- gocyclo: cyclomatic complexity
- license: checks whether your project has a LICENSE file
- misspell: finds commonly misspelled English words
score | grade |
>90 | |
>80 | |
>70 | |
>60 | |
>50 | |
>40 | |
<=40 |
code chunk permanence in a codebase

- there was no need to change it, presumably it was written well in the first place
- multiple changes in a short period indicate problems during software development (Nagappan et al., 2010)
WTF per minute
Atwood, J. (2006). Code smells. .
Coleman, D., Ash, D., Lowther, B., & Oman, P. (1994). Using metrics to evaluate software system maintainability. Computer, 27(8), 44–49.
Deursen, A. van. (2014). Think twice before using the “maintainability index”. .
Femmer, H., Fernández, D. M., Wagner, S., & Eder, S. (2017). Rapid quality assurance with requirements smells. Journal of Systems and Software, 123, 190–213.
Fowler, M. (2006). Code smell. .
Heitlager, I., Kuipers, T., & Visser, J. (2007). A practical model for measuring maintainability. 6th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2007), 30–39.
Martin, R. C. (2009). Clean code: A handbook of agile software craftsmanship. Pearson Education.
Migues, S. (2014). Understanding the apple “goto fail;” vulnerability. .
Nagappan, N., Zeller, A., Zimmermann, T., Herzig, K., & Murphy, B. (2010). Change bursts as defect predictors. 2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, 309–318.
Radon documentation. (n.d.). .
Sharma, V. (2024). Analyzing software code — maintainability index. .
Venners, B. (2003). Orthogonality and the DRY principle. .
Wheeler, D. A. (2014). The apple goto fail vulnerability: Lessons learned. .
Wikipedia contributors. (2024). Software rot — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. .