Barriers of Urban Mobility

Gergő Pintér1 and Balázs Lengyel1,2,3

1ANETI Lab, Corvinus University of Budapest
2ANETI Lab, HUN-REN Center for Economic and Regional Sciences
3Institute for Data Analytics and Information Systems, Corvinus University of Budapest

5 September 2024

all roads lead to Rome


Nagykőrösi road, Budapest by vst via Mapillary CC BY-SA 4.0

amenities enter the equation

  • complex amenities foster social mixing (Juhász et al., 2023)
  • complex as in economic complexity
  • still working combining the two branches of research


A wildlife overpass built over Highway 38 in Israel by Hagai Agmon-Snir | CC BY-SA 4.0

mobile positioning data

  • collected from various, unspecified smartphone apps
    • timestamp, user ID, location
    • GPS-based location
  • pings are clustered into stops (Juhász et al., 2023)
    • using Infostop algorithm (Aslak & Alessandretti, 2020)
    • where some time was spent

building a network

the blocks are considered nodes
connected if a user had consecutive stops in two blocks within a day

community detection

  • using the network built from the stops
  • Louvain community detection is applied
    • with different resolution values
    • executed 10 times for each resolution
Louvain communities (resolution 2.5)

Louvain community detection - resolution 2.5

infrastructural barriers: primary and secondary (dotted) roads
administrative boundaries: districts and neighborhood (dotted)

barrier crossing ratio

BCRγbarrier=1nmCBmCB×CCγ BCR_{\gamma}^{barrier} = \dfrac{1}{n} \frac{ \sum_{m} \text{{CB}} }{ \sum_{m} \text{{CB}} \times \text{{CC}}_{\gamma} }

  • m is the number of mobility edges
  • γ\gamma is the resolution
  • n is the number of iterations at resolution γ\gamma

by barrier types:

  • district
  • neighborhood
  • primary roads
  • secondary
  • railways
  • river

BCR by barrier types

classify users based on home location

trips within Budapest are considered

but the classification is not restricted to Budapest

decomposing barrier crossing ratio

decomposing barrier crossing ratio

back to amenities

logBCRγ,nc=α+β1logDc+β2logACj+ϵ log BCR_{\gamma, n}^{c} = \alpha + \beta_1\log{D_c} + \beta_2\log{AC_j} + \epsilon

ACjAC_j complexity of amenity portfolio of the visited jj location as proposed by (Juhász et al., 2023)

Nagoya metropolitan area

municipality boundaries wards (dotted)
higher order roads

open data (YJMob100K): (Yabe et al., 2024) | preprocessing (preprint): (Pintér, 2024)

BCR × Nagoya


  • there is a barrier effect
  • which affects people differently based on background

future work

  • socio-economic status
  • different time interval
    • workdays - weekends
    • time of the day

thanks for the attention!

Gergő Pintér, gergo.pinter @, @pintergreg

this presentation is available online:

we are looking for contributors
with compatible data

already available on arXiv:


Aslak, U., & Alessandretti, L. (2020). Infostop: Scalable stop-location detection in multi-user mobility data.
Juhász, S., Pintér, G., Kovács, Á. J., Borza, E., Mónus, G., Lőrincz, L., & Lengyel, B. (2023). Amenity complexity and urban locations of socio-economic mixing. EPJ Data Science, 12(1), 34.
Pintér, G. (2024). Revealing urban area from mobile positioning data.
Yabe, T., Tsubouchi, K., Shimizu, T., Sekimoto, Y., Sezaki, K., Moro, E., & Pentland, A. (2024). YJMob100K: City-scale and longitudinal dataset of anonymized human mobility trajectories. Scientific Data, 11(1), 397.

stop distribution of agglomeration dwellers